Life is better together.
We don’t just want to attend, we want to belong.
If you would like to get connected,
here are some steps we can take with you.
Our welcome team would love to get to know you. Each welcome team member has a badge that identifies them. Or, you can talk to the person at the information center in the lobby. If you have any questions or are wondering how to get connected, this is a great place to start.
In the back pocket of the seat in front of you is a blue welcome card. We would love for you to fill it out, then take it to the information center in the lobby where they will give you a gift as our thank you for visiting today. We will also email you a letter of introduction with an invitation to accept a free subscription to RightNow Media.
Every couple of months we host a meal after the worship service for anyone who is still feeling new.
We have groups that meet throughout the week. These are an important way to connect with others. Life is better when we can grow together and support each other. For more information check here.